For Men Only - The Perfect Spa Experience

Whether you work crazy hours, have a family, are single, not single, live in a city setting, a suburb, etc., us men need to indulge in the perfect spa experience at least once a month! So much emphasis is put on how women need a relaxing day - but we do too! Why is it that women need to reduce their stress but men don't?

White Single Beds

Maybe men don't indulge themselves in a spa experience because no one has shown them or told them how? I'm here to change that! I'm going to explain to you how to have an amazing, relaxing, rejuvenating spa experience that will leave you feeling calm and focused, and ready to face the world. The best part is, you can do it all from home!

White Single Beds

There's only one issue that some of you may have. You have to be alone! For those of you who have a significant other, or kids, you have to plan your spa day so you're the only one home - for at least a few hours! That should be possible even if you have to plan for it a few weeks in advance. You have to be alone so no one distracts you or asks you questions or suddenly decides they need you for something.

The other rule is that all cell phones must be turned off! We've all become addicted to checking e-mail and always carrying around our cell phones in case someone calls, but you can live without talking to someone or checking your e-mail for a few hours!

Below I will lay out an entire schedule for having your perfect spa experience at home. You can start your spa experience when you wake up in the morning. The night before your spa day, please have the following items ready: (i) a way to play a CD in your bathroom, or at least hear it from the bathroom; (ii) a relaxing, new age CD (like "Liquid Mind " by Chuck Wild; (iii) chamomile tea w/honey; (iv) a skin cleanser, face scrub, mask and face moisturizer; (v) a comfortable robe or pajama bottoms; (vi) a meditation area; (vii) organic fruit salad; (viii) an organic salad of your choice; (ix) a good positive book about living your best life (i.e., "The Law Of Attraction" by Michael Losier, or "Seat Of The Soul" by Gary Zukov, you get the idea!); and (x) a positive attitude!

Here's the schedule for your perfect spa experience:

When you wake up for the day before you get out of bed think to yourself "I am so thankful for this day. Today is an amazing, relaxing, rejuvenating day." Then "feel" excited about the day. Actually think back to a time when you felt excited about something, and feel that feeling. This will set your vibrations to positive vibrations and ensure that your day will be great! After getting out of bed go to your meditation area (if you don't have a meditation area, just sit quietly on the side of the bed). Then, close your eyes and just observe the sensation of your breath going in and out of your nose. If thoughts come to mind, simply let them pass through and return to focusing on the breath going in and out of your nose. Stay in this meditation for 15 minutes. I talk further about the importance of meditation in "Grooming Secrets For Men" at Now, it's time for your organic fruit salad. However, when eating your fruit salad I'd like you to not just gulp it down! Keeping your meditation going, do an eating meditation. To do this, put a few pieces of fruit on your spoon. Then, slowly lift the spoon to your mouth and observe yourself lifting the spoon to your mouth. Put the fruit in your mouth and let it sit on your tongue for a few seconds. Let the natural flavors of the fruit dance on your tongue before swallowing it. Repeat this until you finish your bowl of fruit. Doing an eating meditation may sound unusual, but it truly adds to the experience.

Then, put on your CD of new age relaxing music. At this point if you have a bath-tub fill it with warm/hot water and while the water is running put a few drops of whatever shower gel you use in the water. If you use a soap instead of a shower gel, put the soap directly into the running water for a few seconds so that it bubbles in the tub. If you don't have a bath tub, then let your shower get nice and steamy before going in. While the water is running in the bath, slowly cleanse your face with your face cleanser and gently wipe off the cleanser with a washcloth. Then, slowly and gently apply your face scrub. In small circles, work the face scrub around your entire face and neck. Using a warm wash cloth, gently remove the face scrub. Now it's time to get into the tub or shower. Whether you're in your tub or shower, the idea is to take a very lengthy bath or shower. Just listen to the calming music while you indulge yourself in positive thoughts about your life. Day dream about exactly how you want your life to be, feel how it would feel to have everything you wanted! Enjoy your bath or shower for at least 20 minutes. Then when you come out put on your robe.

Now, have a cup of the chamomile tea with honey. This will help keep you relaxed, not to mention it tastes great!

It's now time to apply your facial mask. Most masks require you leave them on for at least 10-20 minutes. So, during this time, go back to your meditation area (even the side of your bed is ok!). Meditate again as explained before. Of course keep your new age CD going in the background to help keep you in the meditative mood. After about 15-20 minutes of meditation, slowly walk to the bathroom and wash off the facial mask until you're sure it's all completely off. Then, slowly apply your facial moisturizer, blending it in until it's absorbed into the skin. At this point, your face should be glowing, you should be extremely relaxed and feeling good!

Then, that good book I was talking about earlier that you needed, take your book and find the most comfortable place to sit, and sit and read for about 30 minutes, or until you're ready to stop. If you noticed, I hadn't mentioned anything about shaving. If you're someone who usually shaves every day, maybe take the day you do your spa experience and refrain from shaving that day. It's good to give your face a break from shaving, and you can enjoy not shaving for a day!

About that organic salad I told you you needed! When you're ready to each lunch enjoy your salad and keep the new age music going while you eat your lunch. It will help keep you in that relaxed mode.

You have now had a wonderful spa experience in your own home! Use this guide as a basic guide and add your own touches if you'd like. Some guys like to add an exercise routine if they usually exercise at home. Others who have a sauna at home can add that in too. The main point is, you must do something like this for yourself at least once a month to release all the stress of life, and to just enjoy recharging your spirit so you can face the world again in a calm, relaxed, and focused way!

For Men Only - The Perfect Spa Experience
White Single Beds

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